Saturday, June 10, 2017

Travel Day(s)

After 30 + hours of traveling we arrived in Formosa, Argentina!

Our schedule for Saturday and Sunday travel days:

9:30am Bus from Colorado Springs to Denver airport

2:05pm 2 hour Flight from Denver to Houston

9:45pm (ended up departing at10:20) 9 ½ hour Flight from Houston to Buenos Aires arriving at about 10 am

45 minute bus ride to the domestic airport in Buenos Aires

3:55  2 hour Flight to Formosa

Bus to hotels and a quick check in.

8:00 pm practice at the game arena.

We took off from the Olympic Training Center at 9:30 am Saturday morning.  We were bused to the Denver airport for a 2:05 flight to Houston.

Loading at the Olympic Training Center

Bus trip from Colorado Springs to Denver

Denver airport

Checking in

So many bags!

Houston, we've landed!

Waiting on our flight to Buenos Aires

Arrival in Buenos Aires
Ready for customs

Bags were collected and ready for the next bus ride
Bus to the domestic airport in Buenos Aires

Packing the bus for the domestic airport in Buenos Aires

At the domestic airport in Buenos Aires


Boarding the plane to Formosa

Arrival in Formosa, Argentina!!

Trainer Ernie and Dr. Parris

Bags collected once more.

Practice at the Arena


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